Wednesday, 6 December 2017

Gujarat Election 2017

अब जब गुजरात में चुनाव बहुत नजदीक आ रहा है, तो इस बारे में मैं कुछ कहना चाहती हूं। 

राहुल गांधी और कांग्रेस पार्टी का इसबार का मुद्दा आरक्षण रहा है। आरक्षण के नाम पर गुजरात में सभी जातियों के बीच दरार करवाने की गंदी राजनीति कांग्रेस खेल रही हैं। पाटीदारो को 50% आरक्षण देने की बात करने वाली राहुल गांधी और कांग्रेस पार्टी को इतना भी नहीं पता की संविधान को बदलना इतना आसान नहीं है। होगा भी कहा से? इतिहास के पन्नों में देखे तो पता चलेगा कि कीसी नागरिक की 481 Acre जमीन को पाने के लिए संविधान में सुधार लाया गया था। [Case : A. C. Golaknath v. State of Punjab (AIR 1967 S. C. 1643)] ऐसा एक बार नहीं कई बार हुआ है। चाहे वह मेनका गांधी के पासपोर्ट जब्त करने की बात हो [Case : Menka Gandhi v. Union of India (A. I. R. 1978 S. C. 597)] या फिर इन्दिरा गांधी के राजनारायण वाले केस में unseated होने वाली बात हो। [Case : Indira Gandhi v. Rajnarayan (A. I. R. 1975 S. C. 2299)] 

कांग्रेस पार्टी बार बार संविधान को बदल चूकी है। इतिहास गवाह है कि जो बात गांधी परिवार को पसंद नहीं आयी वह सारी बातों को संविधान से बदल दिया गया है। संविधान को बदलना कांग्रेस पार्टी के लिए खेल बन चुका था। और राहुल गांधी भी वही करने जा रहे हैं। 

अब जब वक्त आरक्षण को मिटाने का है उसी वक्त आरक्षण को बढ़ावा दे रही हैं। 

गांधीजी जिस रस्सी से बकरी बांध लिया करते थे वो तो कांग्रेस ने बहुत अच्छी तरह से म्युजियम में संभाल के रखी है, वो रस्सी कहा है? जिसमें भगत सिंह, राजगुरु और सुखदेव जेसे नौजवानो ने देश के लिए अपनी जान दे दी। जिस गुजरात के मोडल और विकास को लेकर मजाक बनाया जाता है, तो मैं बता दूं ये वही गुजरात हैं जो भयंकर दुकाल, 2001 में हुए विनाशक भूकंप और 2002 के दंगों और कई प्राकृतिक और मानवीय आपत्ति के बीच में भी खड़ा रहा है।
बात अब कुछ मोदीजी की भी कर लेते हैं। कांग्रेस का सवाल है कि मोदीजी ने 22 साल में क्या किया? ये वो मोदी है जिसकी वजह से  Vibrant Gujarat, Kite Festival के नाम पर देश - विदेश से बिजनेसमैन को बुलाकर करोड़ों रुपये के MOU साइन होते हैं। जहां दुसरे राज्यों में BRTS की सुविधा Private Company देती हैं, वहीं अहमदाबाद में BRTS मोदी सरकार ने शुरू की हुई है। और बहुत जल्द मेट्रो ट्रेन भी आ जाएगी। 

किसी कांग्रेस सांसद ने मोदीजी पे प्रहार करते हुए कहा कि BJP का कुत्ता भी देश की आजादी में नहीं लड़ा था, मेरा मानना है कि BJP का कुत्ता आजादी की लड़ाई ना लडा हो, पर कांग्रेस में से कोई शहीद भी तो नहीं हुआ। कोई एक बड़ा नाम मुझे याद नहीं आ रहा जो शहीदों के लिस्ट में हो और कांग्रेस  का हो। 

कुछ अनुभवों से बता दु की जिस सरकारी योजनाओं के सफल होने का दावा बीजेपी सरकार कर रही है वह सब सच है। आज भी सरकारी विघालय - महाविद्यालयों में दुसरे राज्य के मुकाबले फीस काफी कम है। यहां तक कि ग्रामीण क्षेत्रों में बच्चों को पढ़ाई से लेकर उनके स्वास्थ्य और राशन का खयाल भी यही बीजेपी सरकार कर रही है। ऐसे कई किस्से ध्यान में आए हैं। 

मैं मोदीजी की बहुत आभारी हूँ कि उन्ही की वजह से हमें Demonetisation, Surgical Strike, Swachha Bharat अभियान, Jan Dhan Yogna, Ease of India जेसे शब्द जानने को मिले। वर्ना कांग्रेस के रहते ये शब्द आने वाली कई पेढीयां भी नहीं जान पाती। 

कांग्रेस मोदीजी के चाई वाले होने पर भी काफी मजाक उड़ाती रही है, पर मोदीजी की इसी वजह से हम सभी के लिए वो एक प्रेरणा बन चुके हैं। एक चाइ वाला अगर प्रधानमंत्री बन सकते हैं तो हम भी दृढ़ संकल्प लेके आगे बढ़ ही सकते हैं। 

वे कांग्रेस की तरह तो नहीं है, की वोट बैंक के लिए उनकी कई पेढीयां अपने आप को मुसलमान कहने में भी शर्माती है। कलाम सर को कभी शर्म नहीं आयी, अपने आप को मुस्लिम बताते हुए, फिर भी उन्होंने सारे हिन्दोस्तानी के दिलों में जगह बना ली है। 

मुझे बहुत गर्व महसूस होता है कि मेरा जन्म उस समय काल में हुआ है जहां नरेंद्र मोदी और अब्दुल कलाम जेसे नेता हो गये। 

जिस तरह से राहुल गांधी चुनाव के दौरान गुजरात के मंदिरों में जा रहे हैं, उतना ध्यान उनके परिवार ने देश का रख लिया होता तो बीजेपी का शायद जन्म ही ना हुआ होता। 

एक गुजराती को राष्ट्रपति बनाकर बेवकूफ़ बना चुकी कांग्रेस 5 करोड़ गुजरात की जनता को बेवकूफ़ बना पाती हैं या नहीं? 

फिर भी अगर ऐसे जातीवाद की गंदी राजनीति खेल के अगर कांग्रेस ये चुनाव जीत जाती हैं तो यह गुजरात के लिए बिल्कुल भी अच्छी बात नहीं होगी।

Saturday, 4 November 2017

Priceless Stone

One day a Young Boy asked his father “what is the value of his life?”

Instead of answering, the father told his son to take this rock and go sell it at a market.

If anybody asks the price, raise two fingers and don’t say anything. 

The boy went to the market, and woman asked,” How much is this rock? I want to put it in my garden.” 

The boy didn’t say anything and raised up two fingers and woman said, “2 dollars? I’ll take it.” 

And boy went home and told his father, a woman wants to buy this rock for 2 dollars. 

The father then said, “Son, I want you to take this rock to a museum, if anybody wants to buy it don’t say a words and just put up two fingers.” 

The Boy then went to the museum and man wanted to buy the rock, the boy didn’t say a word and put up 2 fingers and man said, “ $200?  I’ll take it.” 

The boy was shocked and went running home and told his father, “Father a man wants to buy this rock for $200.” 

His father then said, “Son, the last place I want you to take this rock is to a precious stone store, show it to the owner and don’t say a word and if he asks the price just put up two fingers.”

The son went to precious stone store, he showed the rock to owner, “Where did you find this stone? It is one of the rarest stones in the word, I must have it! How much would you sell it for?”. The boy put up two fingers. And man said I’ll take it for $200,000.

The boy not knowing what to say, ran home to his father, “Father, There’s a man that wants to buy stone for $200,000!” 

His father then said, “Son, Do you know the value of your life now? You see it doesn’t matter where you come from, where you were born. The color of your skin or how much money you were born into. It matters where you decide to place yourself, the people you surround yourself with and how you choose to carry yourself. You may have lived your whole life thinking that you were a $2 stone. You may have lived your whole life surrounded by people that saw your worth for only $2. But everybody has a diamonds inside of them. And we can choose to surround our self with people that see our value and see the diamonds inside of us.  We can choose to put our self in a market or put our self in a precious stone store. And you can also choose to see the value in other people. You can help other people see the diamond inside of them. Choose the people you surround yourself with wisely. That can make all the difference in your life.

I received this message via WhatsApp Video, which is said by Sean Buranahiran. He gives very beautiful life message and I liked this. So I spread this by blog also. 

You can be surrounded by people that only see your value of 2 dollars or you can choose to be around people that see your value at $200,000. 

And some people… will see you as priceless…

Thursday, 19 October 2017

નુતન વષાૅઅભિનંદન​

"રસ્તો નહિ જડે તો રસ્તો કરી જ​વાના,
એમ થોડા અમે કઈ મુંજાય ને મરી જ​વાના!!!"

જય વસાવડા એ લખેલી આ વાત સાથે આજ્ના નવા વર્ષનો આરંભ કરીએ...
ન​વું કંઇક કરવાની શરુઆત ચોક્ક્સ કરીએ, પણ તે કરતા પહેલા જે કામ હાથ માં લીધું છે, એ તો પહેલાં પુરું કરીએ... જે જ્વાબદારી માથે છે, એ તો પહેલાં પુરી કરીએ...

Life બહુ જ નાની છે Frnds!!! આમ ને આમ  Time ક્યાં જતો રહેશે કંઇ ખબર જ નહિં પડે. Time Waste કર્યા કરતાં કંઈક ને કંઈક ન​વું શીખતા રહીએ.  આપણે ઘણાં Resolution દર વર્ષે લઈએ છીએ, જે કદાચ બીજા જ દિવસે તોડી પણ દઇએ છીએ. આ વખતે નક્કી કરી લઈએ કે બસ કંઈક ન​વું શીખવું છે, પછી ભલે ને એ ટાઈ પહેરતાં જ શીખવાનું કેમ નાં હોય​?

 Life ને હસી મજાક થી ચોક્ક્સ જીવીએ, પણ એ મજાક જ બની ને રહી નાં જાય એનું ધ્યાન રાખજો. હવે આ દુનિયાં માં આવીયાં જ છીએ તો જીવન સાર્થક કરી ને જઈએ. દુનિયાં ને કંઇ ખાસ નહીં તો કમ સે કમ આપણી કમી વર્તાય કે કોઇને યાદ આવીએ એવું તો કરી શકીએ ને?

Life માં problems તો બધાને જ હોય છે. એ problems ને યાદ કર્યા કરતાં પોતાની જાતને નવું કંઈક શીખ​વામાં busy કરી દઈએ, એ કદાચ તમાંરાં problems નું solution તો નહિ હોય પણ તેનાથી  Tension તો ચોક્ક્સ ઓછું થશે ને?

તો બસ ન​વું શીખવાનું start કરી દો. જેમ મેં કર્યું. છ different subject પર blog લખ્યા પછી આ મારો સાતમો blog છે, જે આ ન​વાં વર્ષમાં ગુજરાતી માં લખ​વાની નાનક્ડી કોશિશ કરી છે.  જે મારાં માટે ખરેખર ન​વું છે. મારી આ ન​વું શીખવાની વાત અને blog કેવો લાગ્યો એ મને ચોક્ક્સ કે જો.

બસ આ સાથે જ મારી એટલે કે પલ્લવી તરફથી આપ સહુ ને નવાં વર્ષ નાં નુતન વષાૅઅભિનંદન અને સાલ મુબારક.

જય શ્રી કૃષ્ણ... 

Monday, 4 September 2017

Desirable Status

Dear Society, 

I know that you are very eager to know about someone life, especially for girls.
Why you don't live your own life?? Did God send you to this world to ask this type of silly question? 

Why are study too much?
For whom you study?
Why u don't lear cooking?
Why are you doing Job?
When you get married? 
Wow you are married now  when you give me good news? 
Oh ur first baby became 3 years old? Why  you don't plan for second baby? 

This is our life let us decided, how long we have to study? Which age we should get married? 

It is not a crime, if girls are going to be a independent. At least she became support system to her future husband. If we have a chance to put a professional label in our name, until we are not interested to put our initial as "Mrs." 

Please live your own life and let live others too. In world there are so many problems which are bigger than our status. 

If we, the girls are single (in your sense "Unmarried"), that's not ur problem, that's our problem. If we are happy or unhappy in future, that's our decision and we never regret for this. 

So please do your work, make a gossip behind our back, because this type of people never go ahead with ungodly thought. 

U have so much time to interpret someone's life, but we are busy to build our own empire. So let us do our work. If u can't support us at least don't discourage us.

Specially to my family members. I know how much you care about us. 

મસ્તીમાં મસ્તાની ને
મોજમાં રહેવાની.
થાય એ ભડાકા કરી લો.. 

Friday, 5 May 2017

International Seminar

Hello Reader!!!

After a long long time, I am going to write another blog regarding my first Internal Seminar. 

This Internal Seminar on “Gender, Identity and Career” given by Prof. Alice Clark (Author of Valued Daughters : First Generation Careen Women) at Women’s Development Cell, GLS University on 23rd January, 2017.

Prof. Clark said that she lived in Allahabad, Baroda and Mumbai and saw the position of the women in the society. According to her it’s the time for Devolution of Daughters. She believes that all the women choose their career for Lifetime not for few years. Women in Urban Area should educated and be career oriented. Demographic Transaction should be revocable.

In her research she found that in the year 1971-72, women’s children ratio was 2.5 to 6. In the year 1980, there are 85% men worked and only 25% women worked, irony is that this ratio is still not 50%-50%. Women were not self dependent, and there are so many vices like Dowry, Child Marriage and Son Priority etc. In the year 1990, she sees the possibilities of more Careers. Women choose the professional careers in this era and sees new climate for Qualification. She strongly said that if Ur daughter is able to have professional identity, you should proud of that.

She thought women should choose late marriage, few children and long career. It’s important change in life economy. She further said that if mother who have never professional career, professional career and liberty is Imagery, their entire plan for marriage not for career and mother never against before. Only women are born the children and sky are limit for them. 

For Indian Women, she had strongly recommended that parental encouragement is very important. Women should negotiate the things which she doesn’t like. Let the marry children with professional class. Be a profession Identity for family and be service oriented. Men must allow his wife to decision making in family.

After attending this seminar, I am very thankful for Prof. Clark. She showed mirror for us, her point regarding women’s career is very strong and commendable. Yes, we are 21st century girls and we should learn how to negotiate. We should have professional career, we can be a decision maker.

Thursday, 26 January 2017

Real Hero V/s. Reel Hero

Hi Indians!!

Happy Republic Day!!

Do you know where the Indians (including me) remember their National flag? Only two days in a year. Once on the 15th August (Independence Day) and second on the 26th January (Republic Day).

Before the 1947’s, Indians only needed freedom and liberty. But after getting freedom and liberty, our priorities have changed.

I think this generation forgets our real heroes. Why we are underestimating our soldiers? “Soldier” it’s not just a word or a profession, it’s a symbol of pride, and patriotism.

We can see that everyone has their own dreams. Some would like to be a doctor, CA, Lawyer, Film Star, Cricketer, Engineer, etc. But there are very few who became a Soldier.

Not only that, but we are eager to see a bollywood star, cricketer or celebrities.And we won’t show interest or smile towards our fellow soldiers who serve us day and night.
Bollywood stars act in films and their fees are in Lacs and Crores. Cricketer play a match and they got very handsome amount. Our politicians also get highest amount as a salary, allowance, benefits, donations, gifts, and corrupted money. Do you know how much soldier earn? As per Source, they get fix pay scale Rs. 15,600/ per month, which is not more than Rs. 90,000/per month.

Bollywood stars act in films will still get paid, even if the movie fails. Cricketers play a match and regardless of if they win or lose, they get money. But what about a solider? Soldiers fight for our nation, if they win they get their fix salary and if they lose, they die defending.

Soldiers work hard for our nation, but they’re mistreated and go unnoticed. Can anybody remember Hanumantappa? Does anyone show interest in that soldier’s family, whose dead body was found without his head? Nobody is interested. Instead we are interested in which movie Amitabh Bachhan was hurt badly. We are interested in which match Dhoni make six and Virat Kohli make a Century.

All I ask is to show gratitude towards our soldiers, the same we show interest in celebrities. I am not against any celebrities or any other person. Everyone worked so hard, and reaches the top. I know it’s very difficult to make or act in a movie or play a match. But beyond that, soldiers lives are difficult, especially for their family.

Soldiers are our Antivirus. They work day and night and clear threats like terrorists,  and help survivors of natural calamities. We feel safe, because we know we have a very strong antivirus team.

This Generation preferres glamor. But when an earthquake striked Gujarat or a heavy flood destroyed Uttar Pradesh and Chennai  or when a terrorist attacked the nation, who do we remember? We remembered only soldiers, not celebrities.

I believe in truth and reality. And the truth is, when we have problems soldiers will stand for us So let’s appreciate our Indian Army more. Without them we are nothing. I salute to all the soldiers and heartily say, Thank You so much for your service.  

Jai Hind. 


Happy Woman's Day

Dear Women, You don’t need make-up, confidence in your face is enough, 😀 You don’t need attention, smile in your lips is enou...