Wednesday, 10 October 2018

Rifle Training

Yeah.. Today I completed my Childhood Dream.

I completed Rifle Training.

This blog is about my experience. 

C. R. T. means Civilian Rifle Training. This concept of this training is that when our country is in trouble and Army and Policemen are not enough to handle the situation that time, Government can gave the Rifle to the civilian to save themselves and other citizens. (Wow!! This is really good concept. I love this. But i think this type of situation was happened in 1947 era, Nowadays our army is really very strong. They are capable in each and every situation). 

While taking the training we have do physical exercise every morning. I am not habitual to running and some other exercise. But its a part of training, we must follow it. 

In this 10 days course, i lived an army officer and policemen life. 

However physical exercise is only for 45 minutes, but its really tiring.
I run like an army.
I marched like them.
I did physical training like them.
I was firing like them.
Our coach were same as army men also. They scolded us very badly.
I had nightmare also. 

After having such a training, i started respecting all the Policemen and Army Men. They really have very hard training. 

But its really very good experience. In this 10 days i got so many contacts. Other trainee were really very good and kind hearted people. They make my journey memorable. 

Everyone were laughing at me when i said them, "i want to learn rifle." They said me you can't carry it. Yes they are right i can't carry a rifle. Its completely "Out of the Box" for me. If in fear i was not going to take training, i never ever understand how the experience is. You feel really very good and proud, when you do something beyond your strength. I proud on myself, i never give up. 

At last, i mesmerized my favorite line of "Fast and Furious" songs,
"i never fear death or dying,
I only fear never trying". 

Whatever the people said about me or laugh at me. But i ignore them and trying to do this. And did something different. 

Don't fear of fear, do something different.

Tuesday, 18 September 2018


Appreciation, Eulogies, Praise, Compliment are such a beautiful words!!! 

I really getting very good experiences about appreciation. Two words of appreciation can change somebody mood, two Stanger can be a friend just a few words of appreciation. By the good words and positive vibes people can remember you for a long time.

In this Digital World, all Netizens needs an appreciation. I also getting appreciation in the Instagram, and its really motivate me to develop my cooking hobby.  Some people say me, I do this because of likes and followers  and I don’t think so this is only reason.  One – one like and comment from people around the world can motivate me.  Appreciation of people can also enhance my hobby. If I didn’t get any type of comment, may be I never do this.

Another way, My Boss is really very expert in such a kind words of appreciation.  Sometime in office, I was fed up with doing all the work, I was getting tired and frustrated.  I never told anything to anyone. But whenever I was leaving the office my boss usually told me, “Thank you. Nobody can do this better than you” . J Two words of appreciation can change my mood and I going towards my home with very happy mood.

Do u appreciate Someone?
So let’s start it.

Just say someone, “you look good today”. Trust me that person will be happy whole day and remember you.  Say ur sweeper, security guard or any other worker, “you are really doing very good job.” They were getting happy for sure.

Appreciation is totally free of cost. Just one like, one comment, two words of “thank you”, one line can make someone happy, refreshing and motivating also. I am sure you getting huge interest and in profit, you became everybody’s favorite also.

Element of Appreciation, is work really beautifully, People are getting happy and you too enjoy that happiness. If u don’t agree with my words. Just try it once. ;) 

I usually say everyone, Ur appreciation can motivate me. If this thing motivate me, so definitely helpful to other also.

Keep Appreciating ….  

Sunday, 22 July 2018

Does Money can by Everything?

Does money can by everything?
Very Interesting question isn't it?

But I have an answer. 

I don't remember where but i read one story of this question. I mesmerized now and going to share you.

There is a guy.  He is may be a Industrial's son or Politician son don't know. That Rich Guy lived the lavish life. travel in very luxurious car and have Body Guards also. But he is very heavy weighted.

For this rich guy it is very easy to join the very equipped gym to loss his weight.

He went the gym in his luxury sport car. He went with his two Body Guards also. This Body Guard's height is approximately 6'2". They are take care of this fatty guy. They protect that guy and help that guy in the gym also. One of the body guard carry towel for him and other take water bottle for that guy. Every day and night this two body guards serve his master. 

For this rich guy he can buy everything from money. But money can't do its pushups in the gym. Means Rich guy cannot buy its pushups from anyone. He cant tell anyone not its bodyguards to pushups behalf of him. He has to pushups from its own.

So, moral of this story, you can't buy anything from money. It give you a status, respect, luxurious life and many more. Buy beyond this you have to work for it. 

Friday, 13 July 2018

Became Positive Person

I think i am going to be Positive Person.

My childhood is full of trouble and problem. I regret every time, why i have such a problems, why only me???

But i learn so many things from this.

Yesterday, I was going to College and its rainy season, my vehicles slipped in the road and i fallen. There are so many scratches in my leg and hand. Its really very panic. 

But later on, i just thinking that i was fallen, but what happened if my mom was with me at that time. If She was with me, We both hurt badly. Because before met an accident, i dropped my mom in her office and i was going to college

I forget my problems and thank to god. This thing not happened when my mom was with me.

I realized that i started thinking with positive vibe. Its really feel better. To fall in the road It just a incident. However its painful, but positive thinking can reveal your pain. 

So start to think positive.

Thursday, 25 January 2018

महान भारतीय

26 जनवरी यानी गणतंत्र दिवस, फिर एक बार भारत की महानता का गुणगान गाया जाएगा। हम सब एक दिन के लिए देशभकत बन जाएंगे और अपनी महानता का परिचय देगें। 

आज में भारतीयों  यानी मेरी आपकी सबकी "महानता" के बारे में कुछ बात बताती हूँ।

हम भारतीय रास्ते में पान मसाला और तम्बाकू खाके थूकते हैं और कहते हैं कि ये धरती हमारी माता है।

हम वही भारतीय हैं जो बेटी की पढ़ाई से ज्यादा खर्चा बेटी की शादी में करते हैं। बेटी की पढ़ाई के लिए पैसे हो या न हो पर उसकी शादी के लिए पैसे बना ही लेते हैं।

हम भारतीय के आदर्श भगतसिंह, चंद्रशेखर, और राकेश शर्मा  नहीं होते हैं। बल्कि बोलीवुड के स्टार और क्रिकेटर होते हैं। किसी को भी ऐसा कहेते हुए सुना कि वह भगतसिंह बनना चाहता है, या फिर फौज में भर्ती होना चाहते हैं। शायद बहुत कम होगें। क्योंकि आज सबको दोलत और शौहरत,  अभीनेता और क्रिकेटर बनने सी मिलती हैं। 

हमें स्कूलों और कालेजों में पढाया जाता है कि हर रोज अखबार पढना चाहिए इससे नोलेज बढता है।  अच्छी बात है पढना चाहिए, पर क्या आपको लगता है कि आज के अखबारों में जो खबरें आती है वो पढने लायक होती हैं? अब शांति अखबार पढ़ने से नहीं, अखबार ना पढऩे से मिलती हैं। 

26 जनवरी यानी संविधान का दिन। उसी संविधान ने हमें बोलने की आजादी दी थी। (Article 19: Freedom of Speech and Expression) इसके जरिए हमें अपनी बात कहने का और हमारे विचारों को अभिव्यक्त करने की आजादी दी गई हैं।  पर कुछ  इसका इस्तेमाल कहा करते हैं ? गाली बोलने में । गालीयां देने की आजादी किसने दी हैं? 

आज़ादी के ७० साल हो जाने के बावजूद भी हम आज भी धर्म और जाती के नाम पर लड़ रहे है। आज भी महिलाओं को अपने हक़ के  लड़ना पड़ता है। हम सिर्फ बहार से मॉडर्न हुए है, पर सोच तो अभी भी वैसी ही है।

हम भारतीय सिर्फ तीन जगह ही अपनी देशभक्ति दिखाते है। १. १५ अगस्त को, २. २६ जनवरी को और ३. इंडियन मैच के वक़्त। यहाँ हमारी देशभक्ति बहुत जोरों से दिखती है।  बस बाकी के दिन ये देशभकित कहा चली जाती हैं कुछ समज  नहीं आता।  

याद  है हम स्कूलों में बोला करते थे, "भारत मेरा देश है। सब भारतवासी मेरे भाई-बहन हैं। मैं अपने देश से प्रेम करता हूँ। इसकी समृद्ध एवम् विविध संस्कृति पर मुझे गर्व है........"  कहा गई ये हमारी भावना? 

सच बात तो ये है की हम सब स्वार्थी हैं। हम सिर्फ अपना ही सोचते है , दुसरो का जो होता है तो होने दो अपनी फायदा कहा है वो हम पहले देखते है। सोचो अगर सारे आर्मी अफसर एक दिन की लिए भी काम करना छोड़ दे तो क्या होगा? सारे गवर्मेन्ट अधिकारी जिन्हे हम बहुत गालियां देते हे की वो कुछ काम नहीं करते, वो सारे चाहे वो बस ड्राइवर हो, डाकिया हो, बैंक अफसर हो, कोई भी हो, काम करना ही बंध कर दे तो क्या होगा? हम नसीबवाले ही  हमें सारी सुविधा उपलब्ध है।  अब तो टेक्नोलॉजी ने भी काफी तरक्की की है, पर क्या हम उसका सही इस्तेमाल करते है? शायद हम उसके लायक भी नहीं।       

मेरा कहना सिर्फ उतना ही है क्युं ना हम साथ मिल कर देश को आगे बढ़ाये। "वसुदेव कुटुंब कमः" की भावना तो सार्थक करे।  इतिहास में जिन  लोगोने हमारे लिए कुर्बानी दी है , उनकी कुर्बानी व्यर्थ ना होने दे।  जो आज देश का सोच कर आगे बढ़ रहे है। उनका सर्मथन करे। आपकी छोटी सी कोशिश भी देश को आगे ले जाने के लिए काफी है। सारा देश हमारा है और हमें ही उसको आगे लेकर  जाना है। 

में इस ब्लॉग के जरीये वादा करती हू की में मरने से पहले अपने देश को कुछ देकर ही जाऊगी। चाहे वो छोटा ही क्यों न हो। 

जय हिंद। 


Happy Woman's Day

Dear Women, You don’t need make-up, confidence in your face is enough, 😀 You don’t need attention, smile in your lips is enou...